Heart Attack Risk Assessment

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming the lives of more than 800,000 Americans each year. In fact, cardiovascular disease claims more lives than any other single cause of death. That's why it's important to determine your risk factors so you can make the necessary lifestyle changes that will give you the best chance of preventing cardiovascular disease.

Are you at risk for a heart attack? Take the following quiz to find out.

How healthy is your heart?

1 Cigarette Smoking
I never smoked or stopped smoking three or more years ago.
I don't smoke but live and/or work with smokers.
I stopped smoking within the last three years.
I smoke regularly.
I smoke regularly and live and/or work with other smokers.
2 Total Blood Cholesterol (Use the number from your most recent blood cholesterol measurement.)
I don't know.
Less than 160
240 or higher
3 HDL (Good) Cholesterol (Use the number from your most recent HDL cholesterol measurement.)
I don't know.
Over 60
Less than 35
4 Systolic Blood Pressure (Use the first [highest] number from your most recent blood pressure measurement.)
I don't know.
Less than 120
160 or higher
5 Physical Activity
Highly active
Moderately active
6 Excess Body Weight
I am within 10 pounds of my desirable weight.
I am 10-20 pounds above my desirable weight.
I am 21-30 pounds above my desirable weight.
I am 31-50 pounds above my desirable weight.
I am more than 50 pounds above my desirable weight.